A Message From Dr. Hayashi
Our dearest patients:
Thank you to all who were so careful about staying home for ten days after traveling and having PCR tests before coming in when you were in doubt.
With your help, we have made it this far without having to close our office even one day! We sincerely appreciate your diligence and thoughtfulness for others.
In response to your high consciousness, I will also promise you to act on your safety first; there may be more requests and restrictions in the future associated with that, so please forgive me. And we will survive this pandemic together.
Many, many thanks to you all.
Mika Hayashi
旅行後や疑わしいときには自宅待機をしてビデオ診察にご変更頂いたり、身近な方が感染した旨を即時にご報告き、ご来院前にはPCR検査の結果を快く提示してくれた患者さま、一人一人の努力に感謝します。皆様のご協力により、1日もオフィスを閉鎖することなく、ここまで来れました! 皆様の勤勉さと他の患者様への思いやりに心から感謝します。