We missed you! Now we are open on Sundays!
Thank you for waiting for our office to reopen. I apologize for the terrible inconvenience during the past three months.
We would like to give you an update on our office situation. Currently, we are open on Sundays to treat patients in person, not only for urgent care patients but patients who would like to come to the office. On weekdays, we are seeing patients virtually. We can review your tests, follow up how you are doing and do even in-home exercise together while you can’t go to physical therapies.
Your safety is our highest priority. We are implementing the following protocols so that you can visit our office safely:
A day before your appointment, we are asking all patients to complete this screening questionnaire. We do this as well!
Dr Hayashi takes a car and I take a bike to the office. For those who drive to the office, there are many free street parking spots available right in front of our building on Sundays.
On the day of the appointment, you will come with a mask. You will call us to make sure the previous patient has left and we finished cleaning. We will greet you with N95 masks and PPE.
As soon as you arrive, we will sanitize your shoes and hands, and take your temp at the office entrance. You will be asked again if any changes since the last questionnaireYou will be escorted straight to our exam room where the window is wide open and clean air is circulating. We installed multiple 6-layer air purifiers with True HEPA filters and UV-C light sanitizers to continuously flow the clean air.
After you finish the treatment, you can make a contactless payment (Apple Pay etc) at the reception area where we have installed a large, tall plexiglass between us. To minimize your stay at the office, we will contact you the next day regarding the follow-up appointment. You will be given a small alcohol wipe so you can clean your hands after you leave the office. And you’re done!
After you leave, our cleaning starts! We use the cold fogger (small particles of mist spreader) to sanitize even the air! This is used in airlines and the NYC subways now. The solution we use is called Hypochlorous acid (HOCL) and widely used to sanitize the food also. The solution is made from simple salt and water with a special generator machine to control the concentration of the HOCL. So this is a safe disinfectant to bring the potential harmful germs down to the ground by the cold mists. And we clean everywhere with commercial, hospital-grade disinfectant. Then the next patient calls in and we let him or her in after making sure this cleaning process is done. Except a minor patient, there is no companion allowed for further precaution.
We appreciate your willingness to follow all other protocols to ensure the safety of our patients and staff. Please see below for the summary:
We will keep offering telehealth until the end of the year or semi-permanently now that the president signed an executive order for expanding telehealth on August 3rd. The video consultation has been honestly our biggest hit for patients who have had injuries and are out of states since you can schedule the appointment right on the same day! It is indeed our “new normal”. Dr Hayashi is even surprised, saying “you never know until we actually are forced to do it”.
Please call us at (212) 682-0033 or email (info@midtownfootcenter.com) us if you would like to book your appointment.
We look forward to welcoming you back!
予約の前日に、すべての患者様にこちらの質問状にご回答いただくようお願いしています。 私たちスタッフももちろんスクリーニングを行っています。皆さまの安全のため、林先生は車で、私は自転車でオフィスに通っています。車でお越しの方は、日曜には建物の正面に無料の路上駐車スペースがたくさんあります。
到着次第、オフィスの入り口で靴・手を消毒し、体温を測り、前回のアンケート以降に変更がないか確認いたします。そして、待合室のイス等は一切取り払い、そのまま診察室に直行していただきます。診察室はクリーンな空気を継続的に流すために、True HEPAフィルター、紫外線Cライト、アイオナイザーを備えたマルチ6層空気清浄機をいくつか設置しております。そして診察室では「密」にならないよう、窓を全開にし、空気を常に循環させています。その後、大きなプレキシガラスが設置された受付エリアにて、コンタクトレス決済(Apple Payなど)でお会計を可能にし、診察終了となります。
私共は、患者さま1人がご退出後、「お掃除」が始まります!通常のお掃除と違い、航空会社とニューヨークの地下鉄でも使用されている「Cold Fogger」(小さい粒子のミスト噴射器)を使用して、空気も消毒します。ウイルスを含む小さな空気に浮いた粒子を冷たい霧によって地面に落とす効果があります。使用する液体は「次亜塩素酸(HOCL)」と呼ばれ、食品の殺菌にも広く使用されています。適度なHOCLの濃度の溶液が作れるHOCL発生機を使って原料は「塩と水」というシンプルなものからできています。そして、医療用消毒液であらゆる場所をクリーンにし、次の患者さまが到着次第電話をいただき、このプロセスが終わり次第、ご案内するという流れです。未成年の患者さまを除き、同伴者は入室いただけませんので、どうぞご了承下さい。
ご予約は(212) 682-0043までお電話いただくか、メール(info@midtownfootcenter.com)までご連絡ください。